Elizabeth & Matthew

August 23, 2025 • Banff, AB
161 Days To Go!

Elizabeth & Matthew

August 23, 2025 • Banff, AB
161 Days To Go!

Our Story

A Bumble Success Story

Picture of A Bumble Success Story

We met on Bumble (the dating app where the woman has to message the man first). Matt says he wouldn't have responded if Liz's first message was lame. Liz is pretty sure her first message went something along the lines of "Hey, how are you?" (does that count as lame?) Liz is currently trying to get copies of their first exchanges from Bumble... stay tuned.

After several cancelled dates, Liz and Matt finally met on Monday November 9, 2020 at Murrieta's in Calgary. They arrived at the restaurant at the same time. They were the only ones in the restaurant (other than the staff). Liz drove Matt home after the date, her car filled with boxes from a recent move.

The rest is history!